Monday 14 December 2015

Mock-up Front cover

Task 17- Feedback

My two questionnaires I have done (before making the front cover and after) are fairly similar as the age question is on the border of 16-18 and 19-21. likewise everyone said that the target audience is male students.
However, as we got to the fourth question, people said that my target audience buy magazines monthly instead of weekly.
The cost of the magazines too stayed the same at £3.01-£4.
There was a mixed review on the hobbies question as some said music and others said work. Similarly, the favourite colour question conveys the their colours are either black and red.
Everyone said that they dress smart-casual and go to gigs/concerts.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

My fianl Photo

I have chosen this photo as it shows the seriousness of max but also shows the main singer. The black and white effect is because my target  audience prefers darker colours. However my secondary photo of matt shows other instruments in the band (drums).
I changed the colour of the mast head from yellow to red as red shows passion, danger and warning. where as yellow is more of a calm colour.
The font of the mast head conveys a sense of darkness and horror relating to my genre of music (rock).

My Photoshoot

Here are some of my photos I took for my front cover during a band rehearsal, practise and a gig for a talent contest: