Tuesday 22 September 2015

School Magazine Analysis

School Magazine

School magazines are much different to other magazines such as sports. The image below shows how so.

As you can see there are some feature which are different such as a barcode edition or a puff.
Much like most magazines school magazines have a central image, however school magazines tend to have a young child in uniform looking smart and educated.
No barcode may suggest that the magazine is given out for free to the students of their careers.
Also school magazines sometimes have no "puff". This may be because the school providing the magazine are unable to constantly give away free items.
Here the central image is a young girl standing on the street. This links in with the cover line "New to School?". This therefore is a student new to school about to embark on her journey to school for the first time. Her smile suggests she is looking forward to school encouraging others to feel the same way.

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