Thursday 1 October 2015

Non-Music Magazine Conventions

Non-Music Magazine

Representation of women

•specialise in maintaining the reputation in the public eye of celebrities who normally would have ‘fallen by the wayside’ or been replaced by others – Katie Price and Peter Andre are prime examples as their constant reinvention is tracked by Heat and other Gossip magazines.

•Women are often seen as "meat" they are sexualised and often had little clothes on. seducing the camera

Target Audience
•the magazines tend to have gossip in them.

•primary audience tend to be 18-35 while women who are 35-55 are the secondary audience


The cover uses bright, and use primary colours such as red blue and yellow and high key lighting which anchor the codes and conventions of the Gossip magazine genre and identify target audience.



The masthead is left justified in red, lower case, serif, blocky font using shadow to make the text more creative and recognisable in terms of brand identity – the style of the font would stereotypically appeal to a female target audience.


The image is normally photography of the celebrities, some of which captured in their private life.

The bottom left cover line reinforces stereotypes inferring surprise that men would want to get with the woman show, e.g here!



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