Sunday 11 October 2015

My Photo Shoot- Preliminary Task

Planning My Photo Shoot

For my front cover I am going to have a picture of a year 7 student looking smart in his new school uniform.
The boy will have he tie done up with his top button done up.
In the back ground there is going to be a school with him on the drive way going towards the school, as if he is on his journey.
The boy will be smiling showing he is happy to be going to school, excited to learn.
The props I'm going to need are: a school bag, smart uniform and school books.

Here are some potential ideas for the front cover:

1) Here the boy is in full uniform, looking very smart.
He has his bag over his shoulder and is holding on to it as if he is about to embark on his journey, happy to be doing so.
In the background there is a school with open doors ready to welcome all.

2) Here the boy is holding books prepared for school. Again you can see the background

3)Here he has just got the bag over one shoulder looking casual and ready to embark his journey into school life.

4) Here he is looking through his books, again ready for school in uniform looking smart.

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