Wednesday 18 November 2015

Mock-Up Magazine

Masthead- "Dark Rock" The masculinity of the colours reflects with the target audience. The survey showed that the favourite colours where black and blue. The masthead will be the first thing they customers will see so the contrasting colour (yellow) highlights the magazine from others.
Cover model- I used greenday as the band i'm going to focus on also has three members. Also, my target audience say that their favourite type of music is "rock"
Cover line- These convey what is in the magazine. the main band is greenday therefore ive made the cover lines are green. this green makes us feel humble and represents money.
Tagline- The font looks mysterious with the outer glow again contrasting with the black background
Colours- The target audience is for men therefore I picked masculine powerful colours. These colours want men to own them and entices them to buy the magazine.
Pug- one of the questions I asked was "what do you look for in a magazine" a response was free stuff like posters and CDs therefore I want to give this to them.

feedback from peers-
The font is not very "masculine" and "hard" enough to show its a rock magazine.
Get my own photo of a band
More ideas to put in the magazine
Change the colours to more manly colours e.g red
Change the background to my own photo.

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