Monday 2 November 2015

Target Audience

Target Audience


-Predominantly ABC1

-Average age 18

-Light rock

-Attracts 16-25

-Mostly males

-Spend £400 on albums/concerts annually

-Enjoys reading about music films games technology and politics



Hi my name is Joe I am a 20 year old male from South London. I am fairly chill but I love a party. I am a student at university, but in my spare time I love to read music. I read to get away from the stress and reality of life. Another way I spend my time is chilling to light rock with my surround sound speakers, occasionally having parties or taking my mates or co-workers to gigs/concerts. A typical Friday night for me is reading with the latest film with the wife.

Aside from music I enjoy playing games on my new Xbox one with the lads, my favourite game is guitar hero. Also it is a necessary to have the newest model of iPhone, on which I plug headphones into and relax. Annually I spend about £380 on music alone! I must also download Spotify where I download all the muse playlists and albums. I follow the work of the labour party and every election I vote them.

On a typical night out I would wear the casual jeans and shirt to balance out the casual and smart. But my clothes may change on the activity being done.

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