Monday 14 December 2015

Mock-up Front cover

Task 17- Feedback

My two questionnaires I have done (before making the front cover and after) are fairly similar as the age question is on the border of 16-18 and 19-21. likewise everyone said that the target audience is male students.
However, as we got to the fourth question, people said that my target audience buy magazines monthly instead of weekly.
The cost of the magazines too stayed the same at £3.01-£4.
There was a mixed review on the hobbies question as some said music and others said work. Similarly, the favourite colour question conveys the their colours are either black and red.
Everyone said that they dress smart-casual and go to gigs/concerts.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

My fianl Photo

I have chosen this photo as it shows the seriousness of max but also shows the main singer. The black and white effect is because my target  audience prefers darker colours. However my secondary photo of matt shows other instruments in the band (drums).
I changed the colour of the mast head from yellow to red as red shows passion, danger and warning. where as yellow is more of a calm colour.
The font of the mast head conveys a sense of darkness and horror relating to my genre of music (rock).

My Photoshoot

Here are some of my photos I took for my front cover during a band rehearsal, practise and a gig for a talent contest:

Monday 30 November 2015

Planning my Final Photo Shoot

For my photo shoot I am going to need all three members of the band: Max lamb and Matt Pruce and David Weston.
The three of them must also have their instruments; drums, electric guitar and acoustic guitar.
They must have two different sets of clothes (smart and smart-casual).
I need a high quality camera which can be edited to be black and white.
We need an open space preferably in some kind of hall or back room to fit the drum set.
Their hair needs to be messy to give a sense of rock.
I am going to do two different photo shoots with the band as they will have a practise leading to a talent contest then ill be doing a shoot while they are playing.
Also I may take some casual photos of their every day lives.

Prior to the shoot:
I need to make sure that my camera im going to use is fully charged.
I need to arrange a time and date to do the shoot (already arranged).
Charge a spare camera.
Prepare the models.
Get change of clothes ready.

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Mock-Up Magazine

Masthead- "Dark Rock" The masculinity of the colours reflects with the target audience. The survey showed that the favourite colours where black and blue. The masthead will be the first thing they customers will see so the contrasting colour (yellow) highlights the magazine from others.
Cover model- I used greenday as the band i'm going to focus on also has three members. Also, my target audience say that their favourite type of music is "rock"
Cover line- These convey what is in the magazine. the main band is greenday therefore ive made the cover lines are green. this green makes us feel humble and represents money.
Tagline- The font looks mysterious with the outer glow again contrasting with the black background
Colours- The target audience is for men therefore I picked masculine powerful colours. These colours want men to own them and entices them to buy the magazine.
Pug- one of the questions I asked was "what do you look for in a magazine" a response was free stuff like posters and CDs therefore I want to give this to them.

feedback from peers-
The font is not very "masculine" and "hard" enough to show its a rock magazine.
Get my own photo of a band
More ideas to put in the magazine
Change the colours to more manly colours e.g red
Change the background to my own photo.

Analysis of my Survey

I gave out my survey to 10 different people of my target audience. I calculated the average response of the public and put into one survey as show:
I will base my magazine on this response and therefore it should be effective.

Monday 2 November 2015

Target Audience

Target Audience


-Predominantly ABC1

-Average age 18

-Light rock

-Attracts 16-25

-Mostly males

-Spend £400 on albums/concerts annually

-Enjoys reading about music films games technology and politics



Hi my name is Joe I am a 20 year old male from South London. I am fairly chill but I love a party. I am a student at university, but in my spare time I love to read music. I read to get away from the stress and reality of life. Another way I spend my time is chilling to light rock with my surround sound speakers, occasionally having parties or taking my mates or co-workers to gigs/concerts. A typical Friday night for me is reading with the latest film with the wife.

Aside from music I enjoy playing games on my new Xbox one with the lads, my favourite game is guitar hero. Also it is a necessary to have the newest model of iPhone, on which I plug headphones into and relax. Annually I spend about £380 on music alone! I must also download Spotify where I download all the muse playlists and albums. I follow the work of the labour party and every election I vote them.

On a typical night out I would wear the casual jeans and shirt to balance out the casual and smart. But my clothes may change on the activity being done.

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Semiotic analysis of 3 Music Magazine

 Here are some semiotic analysed music magazine front covers. The magazine covers I have analysed connect with the genre of my final design.

Monday 12 October 2015

My School Magazine- Preliminary Task

My School Magazine
This is my school magazine. For this I decided to have my cover photo as a smart year seven in uniform with a school as the background. This mid-shot is effective as you can see enough of his body to tell he is a year seven.
I decided to call my magazine "Brainy" because

School Magazine Contents Preliminary Task

Contents Page

Here is my contents page. I have made the writing green this time as it is neither a feminine colour nor a boyish colour. the picture of the school entrance presents the school as opening.

Task 7 Preliminary Task

I have chosen this photo as my final photo as the boy looks especially smart and looks happy to be going to school, which year sevens want to be doing. Also, as I did this photo at a different time, the doors to the school are open which is different to the other photos. However I am going to edit this photo as follows.

Here I have made the boy look younger by blurring out the spots.
Also I have sharped up the clothes by darkening the brightness.
finally by changing the colour balance I have made the mood more bright and it focuses on the boy at the centre of the page.

Sunday 11 October 2015

My Photo Shoot- Preliminary Task

Planning My Photo Shoot

For my front cover I am going to have a picture of a year 7 student looking smart in his new school uniform.
The boy will have he tie done up with his top button done up.
In the back ground there is going to be a school with him on the drive way going towards the school, as if he is on his journey.
The boy will be smiling showing he is happy to be going to school, excited to learn.
The props I'm going to need are: a school bag, smart uniform and school books.

Here are some potential ideas for the front cover:

1) Here the boy is in full uniform, looking very smart.
He has his bag over his shoulder and is holding on to it as if he is about to embark on his journey, happy to be doing so.
In the background there is a school with open doors ready to welcome all.

2) Here the boy is holding books prepared for school. Again you can see the background

3)Here he has just got the bag over one shoulder looking casual and ready to embark his journey into school life.

4) Here he is looking through his books, again ready for school in uniform looking smart.

Thursday 1 October 2015

Non-Music Magazine Conventions

Non-Music Magazine

Representation of women

•specialise in maintaining the reputation in the public eye of celebrities who normally would have ‘fallen by the wayside’ or been replaced by others – Katie Price and Peter Andre are prime examples as their constant reinvention is tracked by Heat and other Gossip magazines.

•Women are often seen as "meat" they are sexualised and often had little clothes on. seducing the camera

Target Audience
•the magazines tend to have gossip in them.

•primary audience tend to be 18-35 while women who are 35-55 are the secondary audience


The cover uses bright, and use primary colours such as red blue and yellow and high key lighting which anchor the codes and conventions of the Gossip magazine genre and identify target audience.



The masthead is left justified in red, lower case, serif, blocky font using shadow to make the text more creative and recognisable in terms of brand identity – the style of the font would stereotypically appeal to a female target audience.


The image is normally photography of the celebrities, some of which captured in their private life.

The bottom left cover line reinforces stereotypes inferring surprise that men would want to get with the woman show, e.g here!



Tuesday 22 September 2015

School Magazine Analysis

School Magazine

School magazines are much different to other magazines such as sports. The image below shows how so.

As you can see there are some feature which are different such as a barcode edition or a puff.
Much like most magazines school magazines have a central image, however school magazines tend to have a young child in uniform looking smart and educated.
No barcode may suggest that the magazine is given out for free to the students of their careers.
Also school magazines sometimes have no "puff". This may be because the school providing the magazine are unable to constantly give away free items.
Here the central image is a young girl standing on the street. This links in with the cover line "New to School?". This therefore is a student new to school about to embark on her journey to school for the first time. Her smile suggests she is looking forward to school encouraging others to feel the same way.

Monday 21 September 2015

Anotated Magazine Front Covers

Magazine Front Covers

I have annotated some of the conventions of two magazine as followed.

This magazine's target audience is for men who want to gain muscle and power. 
Its effective as the central image is the centre of attention with the biceps of Chris highlighted as he's crossing his arms.
The cover line has "sex" highlighted to emphasis what is needed to be achieved.

This magazine is a fashion magazine. The pink writing with a simple font grabs attention of the more feminine readers. however the central image is of cheryl cole commonly know for her looks, attracting many men to the magazine. this is effective as Glamour have made their magazine readable for all adult audiences. 

Friday 18 September 2015

Conventions of a Magazine

Purpose of the front cover

One of the main reasons for the magazine cover is to entice the reader!
The magazine has numerous functions to grab attention to potential buyers, which I am going to show you.


The name of the magazine displayed in a specific typeface. This is the visual branding of the title and is often done in a specially designed typeface to be easily recognised and unique.

Tag Line

This goes near the masthead, and is sometimes attached to it.  It shows what the magazine is about or who it might be aimed at

Central Image

This is one of the most important parts of the front cover as it catches a reader’s eye before they look at the printed text.  The central image will be relevant to the magazine’s purpose and audience, and will often be strongly related to the feature article.

The Cover Model

For many magazines, a cover model will be used.  This may be a celebrity, or well-known individual connected with the magazine’s genre (e.g. a rock star posing for a music magazine); or it may be a photographic model.


 This is a term that refers to how images are referred to.  In magazines, images will be anchored by captions (directly explaining what the pictures depict), by coverlines, or by articles and headlines. 

Secondary Image

 They may be used on the front cover to help promote other features in the magazine, usually anchored by a coverline.

Cover Line

  These are located at various points on the front cover, telling readers about the magazine’s contents – and specifically, the articles they’ll find.

Mode of Address

Mode of Address refers to the way that magazines communicate with their readers.  Some magazines will use a direct mode of address, communicating with individual readers.  This might be through use of the cover model (e.g. pointing directly at the camera), or through the use of 2nd person pronouns (“you”).


 As in “puff of air”, this is a device which helps to draw attention to and promote certain elements in the magazine.  They are often set against colourful backgrounds and are shaped – e.g. rounded.  Quite often they advertise a “freebie” or a special feature in the magazine


  Pugs are the “ears” of a magazine and are placed at the top left or right-hand corners of a front cover.  They usually display a promotion from that magazine’s edition, or possibly the price


  Straightforward features, but they need to be strategically placed.  The barcode shouldn’t distort any of the cover’s principal features, and the price will usually be displayed nearby.


this is used to great effect.  Some magazines will alter all the colour schemes from edition to edition (masthead, coverline fonts, etc), while others will alter some colours to coordinate with the central image.


Front covers will display a variety of font choices, usually adapted to infer meaning to the text they’re displaying

Monday 14 September 2015

My First Post

My name is Ben Hafford. This is my first time doing a blog however I occasionally look at other peoples blogs!

I am a 17 year old boy excited to learn how to use blogger.
I am very sporty love playing pretty much every sport.